Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: software :: tutorial :: RPMS

creating an rpm

Kevin Dorne wrote:
So, I figured out how to do the RPM....

I made a tar on dev in ~kdorne called gfr-rpm.tgz containing:
gnofractroam-1.0b-1.i386.rpm - Binary RPM for gnofractroam!

gnofractroam-1.0b-1.spec - text file containing the spec for the RPM.
                           you probably should edit it and set the text
                           the way you want; I just wrote something to
                           make it build

gnofractroam-1.0b-1.src.rpm - Source RPM for gnofractroam

gnofractroam-1.0b-remove-gtkm4.patch - Patch file that removes gtk4.m4 from the
                                       source directory (needed on RH at least)

gnofractroam-1.0b.tgz - the source tar that I used to build the source RPM.
                        Should be the same as yours, except it extracts to 
                        gnofractroam-1.0b/ instead of just gnofractroam/

The binary RPM works great.  Yay!