Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: software :: Detritus

linux instructions

I hope to put together a nice binary distribution for Linux at some point by following the instructions in "Linux Game Development - distributable binaries" (by Troy Hepfner), but for now maybe these instructions will help you get the source to compile on whatever system you're on:

This needs the following packages (on Fedora):

  • freealut
  • mesa-libGL
  • mesa-libGLU
  • openal
  • SDL
  • SDL_image
  • SDL_ttf
  • sqlite
Note that you'll want the -devel versions to compile:
    (freealut-devel, mesa-libGL-devel, etc...)

No "make install" currently provided. Just do a make and then run the executable in place. "make run" is provided. :)

grab the latest source bundle from the main page