Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



Part 5 -- Tales of the floating Bob ___________________________________

Bob awoke to find himself sitting in a rather rustic tavern. Candles flickered to and fro laughing raucously at the last baudy joke. Ones and Zeros swirled in infinite sums, playing with the fire, entropically desintigrating as if moths. All Bob could do, however, was stare at the strange creature across from him.

It sat rather loosely in the chair, leaning back, brown eyes and long, straight brown hair. A slight trimmed beard and small wireframe spectacles touched off visions of a really cool mathematics professor some years down the line. "*mumble mumble* ob. Right? *mumble* ought to *mumble mumble*" Murderous intent was locked in his peaceful eyes.

Murderous intent has a way of showing itself, even in the calmest of situations. A furrowed brow, flaring nostrils, fur raised, feather tilted at forty-five degrees, or buttermilk dripping over an open fire, spurting calm yet furtive hisses of buttermilksteam. This, unfortunately, was not the calmest of situations.

Bob was startled by the savage leap over the table. He felt like his entire universe had exploded.

Bob looked up from the ground. "Thtarth! I thee thtarth!" Bob promptly collapsed.

Russ dusted himself off, looked around apologetically at the rest of the tavern and meandered down to the bar to swap stories. Boy, did he have stories to tell.

And then Russ woke up.

He was sitting in a rather Russtic tavern. Merry carousing was going on on the dance floor and his mind drifted in among the revelers enjoying in their dance. The drifting of his mind showed in his peaceful eyes. *mumble* *mumble* intent has a way of *mumble*, especially in the calmest of *mumble*. A furrowed brow, a *mumble* *mumble*, a *mumble* tilted at forty-five degrees, or *mumble* dripping over an open *mumble*, spurting calm yet furtive hisses of *cough*. His mind twisted through the complex chaos theory that enveloped the universe and spun through the dance floor wreaking joy and confusion wherever they went.

And then Bob woke up.

Bob began to weep. It's not everyday a person outlives their universe. Everyone reacted to it differently. Bob sat up on the ground, crying to his heart's content, receiving abusive and derisive laughter from the other patrons who bothered to notice the pathetic worm on the ground. Not to say that all worms are pathetic, or to even cast shadows on the worm family... This is not a comparison between them and Bob. No, in fact the fact that those who bothered to notice the worm were also the ones who noticed Bob is simply and purely coincidental. About the same chance that the Universe would explode. Russ slumped over in his chair, bereft of mind. It didn't want to come back. And then Bob remembered something.

Bob's tearful eyes filled with another feeling quite strange. Quite unheard of. Bob's tearful eyes filled with Scientific Curiosity.

**this part to be continued as I think up ideas during class: beware**
- fin -

I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.