Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



I know it was just a joke. We all laughed. Nobody took it seriously. I wanted her though. I wanted to have her, even if it meant giving up my life for the next three months. She was worth it. She was worth far more than that. I would do anything she asked.

The elevator was really taking its own sweet time to arrive. People were staring at me. I think the security guard was already starting to look at stared forwards at the glass cage, slowly descending. Maybe that was just paranoia. Honestly, I was scared. It was the ground floor and everyone was going to get off. I just had to make sure I got on first. That and I had to hope that the guard wouldn't come over and ask me why I was wearing the mask.

It was a silly mask. A friend of mine had worn one for halloween, and I'd thought to myself that I just had to have one. I figured this... prank... was a good excuse. I was wearing a flower pot on my head. Its base rested on my shoulders, and the main body of it was hollowed out to cover my face. There were two holes in the ceramic-textured plastic for me to see out of. I was breathing out of those same holes. It tickled my eyes. On the top of it was a very small, live dandelion. It hadn't seeded yet and it flopped around lazily whenever I moved.

The elevator bottom slowly sank to the ground before me. People trickled off. I started tapping my foot impatiently. I had to time this well. Everyone was off. I quickly stepped into the back of the elevator, turned to face the world, and released my bladder. My penis was encased in a tube that ran just over the lip of my levis. A fountain of yellow urine cascaded onto the carpeted floor of the elevator.

The doors shut to the ominous roar of silence. The shrieking didn't start until I was well near the second floor. I was getting off on the fifth. I had a separate set of clothes under what I was wearing. I'd have to keep the mask until I got to the stairwell. Then I'd lose it and my outer clothes. Underneath was a pristine business suit. Possibly a little wrinkled, but I hoped no one would notice.

We would see. I'd tell her that I'd done it. Maybe she'd let me into her gang then. Maybe... maybe she'd let me kiss her. She'd said, after all. She'd said that anyone who did it would be something in her eyes... and I was going to get away with it. They were all just too shocked.
- fin -

I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.