Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



F&C :: 20041211 :: Collateral :: http://www.stwa.net/scrawl/viewtopic.php?t=17587&highlight=collateral

Hit Me ------

"Alright, I'll take that last medallion, the one with the little yellow squiggles."

"Five bucks, mister."

"Five bucks! Hell! But sure, sure. Five bucks. Cheri's going to owe me services like you won't believe. Uh, you take greens, or color only?"

"Nobody take green, fool!"

"Fine, fine, five bucks. Look, I only got greens on me. Can you hold that medallion for me? I have to have it."

"Trade collateral for hold, man."

"Ah, shit. What collateral do you take?"

"Five color is good. Hold it long time."

"Look, you shit, I don't have it. What else? Here, you can hold on to my watch."

"No watch, mister. Collateral money, damage, or person. You got person to drop off on hold?"

"Shit. Shit, no. Alright. What damage is five color?"

"Tom boy over there, he make your face pretty."

"For five color!"

"Nothing broken, nothing split. Five color hold just bruise."

"He doesn't look like he could hit me and not break anything."

"Good warranty; he split or break and you trade collateral back til even. Tom boy good, though."

"Alright. Fine. I'll be back in two hours. Here, not the eyes, right? Left cheek alright? I just got some work done on a molar on the right side of my mouth."

"You left or right handed?"


"Today I make you deal, you remember this. Tom boy hit offside and you back in one hour."

"Fuck! Fine, one hour. Alright. Come on, Tom boy. Hit me. She'd really better appreciate--"
- fin -

I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.