Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



It wasn't this kill in particular that excited her. She glowed with the happiness that was her lot in life. Looked down upon by the chauvinist society she lived in, it was her pleasure to be paid to remove them, one by one. The obstacles between her and her prey were many, but she had not failed yet.

She found him in his study. It's where she'd been told to expect him. Apparently, it was also where he had been told to expect her.

"Greetings, lady," he chuckled. "My charm is tickled to have inspired such a visit. Please, have a seat, and I will tell you of sweet nothings."

This was not the response she had come prepared for. She had expected acceptance, really, or groveling if he was that sort. Surely he realized what she had come for. His life was forfeit. He could not harm her, and he had nowhere to run.

Most curious of all, he had had no guards. Her informant had told her this, but she hadn't believed it. It hadn't quite registered until now. Maybe they were hidden -- or maybe he had great powers such that he could conjure up a guard to defend him and his honor. Maybe, and she tested this over and over in her mind... maybe he was moonstruck. She wasn't sure if she could take him if that was the case. To remove such an innocent life seemed a waste.

He spoke again, growing impatient with her unresponsiveness. "You toy with my fancy, my lady. Still your thoughts. They are of no import. Please, have a seat. Here, there is even a drink prepared for you. I realize, from the time you took traversing my demesnes, you are a cautious sort, but this ill suits you. My hospitality is before you, and you should reap as befits a guest."

"Am I your guest?"

He made no move to notice the question.

"What sort of guest do you fancy me as? Not a courtesan, I hope? The only lord I court is death. I have come to do that black dance with you, and none other."

Still he failed to respond. He stared long and hard into her eyes, seeming open but betraying nothing.

"Speak to me! Or do you have no words left?" A ruby glint of disgust and hatred flashed in his eyes, though he quickly masked it. There was life in him yet. What could he possibly believe to still have up his sleeve?

"I had hoped to treat you to one last pleasant night before our parting. I am a gentleman, after all. However, your job seems to have corrupted you, my lady." He sneered heavily through the 'lady'. "Very well. How did you plan to finish me? Not with that little blade at your side, I hope?" Her fingers, as if tickled by his words, brushed up against her stiletto. Admittedly it was small, but she was skilled with it. She had other weapons at her disposal as well but it was her favorite. Over the years she had learned many simple targets that would kill or incapacitate.

"This is the weapon I had chosen for your death. If you will it, I can make your end mercifully quick. If you run, I make no guarantees."

"Run? You think I should run? There is nobody here besides you and myself. What host need I run from?" Something wasn't right. Maybe it was a bit of sun that had touched him, rather than moon.

"You can not harm me. You may not harm me. And you refuse to run? What, then, do you see as an alternative?"

"Ah, my poor assassin. So easily your mind has been wrapped in the comfortable mores of society. Surely... you don't believe yourself invincible, just because you are a woman?"

"No man may raise his hand against a woman! It would not only destroy you but all who claim you as friend... nay... acquaintance. It's unheard of!"

"Unheard of. Yes. You see, you are alone. I am a man of much distinction. Nothing will be thought of it. All contracts are private, after all. The man who sent you is slow on the uptake. He continues to send singletons after me. They continue to mysteriously disappear. He didn't tell you that, did he? I can see it in your face." He raised a crossbow and released before the initial shock faded. The shock mingled with disbelief, then despair, and finally numbness.

"Men of honor must never be seen to raise a hand against a woman. It is dishonorable. Titles and land can be lost with honor. An entire livelihood. I call this crossbow my honor guard. Much tidier than a contingent of amazons to guard me. Much cheaper. And oh, so much more gratifying."
- fin -

I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.