Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



It could happen to You (With Michael Ellsworth) ----------------------

After Learc had gotten up from behind the stone, he looked around in amazement. What had shoved him off? He looked at Tamel far down the slope, still picking flowers. It certainly wasn't her.

He adjusted his climbing shoes, and dug a toe in, then fell off of his own accord when dusty breath spouted from the rock. "Not in the face, you nitwit!"

He was glad for once that Tamel paid any nonsentient being far more time of day than he. The question was; heatstroke, a psychedelic flashback from having had _friends_ that had done a few recreation drugs back in the summer of love, or...

"Or what?" coughed the selfsame stone.

His gasp brought in rough chunks of earth.

Hauling his face off the ground, he shouted down to Tamel, "Tamel, can you help me!? I'm wigging out up here!"

"I'm afraid I can't move at the moment," she called back.

He looked over to see her on the ground, tangled in some very sudden sweetpeas, and being repeatedly smacked in the face by a pack of severed daisies.

She was way too calm for this to be anything but real.

The stone stood, then, on nothing apparent, and flew off towards Tamel.

Real indeed. Everyone abandoned me. What had I ever done to them? Well, besides the... and the... well, that hardly counted given the... though that could have been in response to... well, yeah. And I suppose I _had_ walked on the rock's face, er, so to speak. Did I mention the sky was a beautiful blue hue? Hmm.

Wait a minute, where's the, the... What? Oh yeah, Tamel, the... stuff.

He swiveled his head around--or maybe the rest of his body twisted--a part of his brain went off and had a conversation with his hips about that--but he saw Tamel below, kissing the stone passionately.

Resigned, he stood up, brushed himself off, and went to find another rock, this one to crawl under. He hoped it wouldn't talk to him. He wanted to stay there for a very, very long time, and he really wasn't in the mood for company.
- fin -

I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.